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Learning System

A library of best practices integrated with the operating system so they can be delivered just-in-time and applied immediately.

Applied learning is much more effective than passive learning.

85% of the people in the organization are not managers. Making the 85% effective requires hard core business AND people caring behaviors. 

  1. Best Practices – learning content for leading self and others.
  • Train – administration, delivery of training so it gets executed and tracked.
  • Reinforce – continual measurement and reminders of principles learned to maintain effectiveness.
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Give your team the training and confidence to win in real time.

Integration of learning with the operating system allows content to be delivered just-in-time. 

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  • Learning library – unmetered best practices for everyone on the platform 
  • Team development planning – a process for deciding who gets trained and when for your team. 
  • Accountability – project-based management for courses, completion tracking. 
  • Micro-learning – schedule reinforcement of concepts into team meeting agendas 
  • Accessibility – self-paced courses, broken into small lessons, consumable on any device. 

How Does a Leadership Development System Work?

  • What is meant by "just-in-time learning"?

    Learning that occurs in small chunks close to when the learning will be applied. This is in contrast to learning that occurs in large, dedicated blocks of time such as a multi-day or week-long workshop. 

    Dedicated training has the advantage of getting the learner out of the work environment to focus on the material. It has the disadvantage that much material is covered that cannot be applied immediately and therefore is not retained. 

    Just-in-time learning is “micro” in scope and may only take an hour or two but is immediately applied on the job.

  • What is an example of just-in-time learning?

    A young manager being asked to manage a significant cross functional change initiative would benefit from an hour module on how to define and charter a project. 

    Other examples that occur in the life of a manager could include:  conflict resolution, performance reviews, meeting management, team development planning, measure definition, etc.

  • How does just in time learning develop more effective leaders?

    A key requirement for this model to work is that leaders need to be conscious of the assignment their give their team members that require new skills. 

    At the point of assignment they should be thinking about who is ready for growth and point them to learning materials that will aid them. In addition, they need to see themselves in a mentoring role to assure that the mentee has the time and support to grow new new capabilities. 

    Without leader support, important development activities often get pushed aside by urgent but less important firefighting.

  • Can you help me develop just-in-time learning with my team?

    The LeadFirst Platform encourages and supports leaders the the Leadership Operating System by integrating team development planning into the operational planning process.

    A micro learning library is integrated into the leadership system so that learning resources can be identified and learning progress tracked as part of normal operations management.  The system is designed to encourage and facilitate continual learning as demands are placed on the team.

Reduce training time with the LeadFirst Learning System

  • Learn Faster. Integrating the management process with the learning process allows micro-learning to be delivered as needed, saving weeks or months of delay.​
  • Retain More. Because people learn more when the learning is applied, the just-in-time approach maximizes understanding and retention.
  • Stay Ahead of the Chaos. Proactive, applied learning increases the ability of the organization to stay ahead of the chaos that comes with growth.
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