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The Purpose Workshop

A mentor-led workshop to craft your kingdom impact purpose statement. Clarify why the organization exists, what it does and its vision for whole business, whole person health.

Schedule a Workshop
the LeadFirst Platform Purpose Workshop

Build Unity of Purpose

Commit to Deep Mentoring

Unlock Business Potential

Are you experiencing the fullness of life that God intends for you, your business, and your employees?

The Purpose Workshop is a mentor-guided program for Kingdom-minded owners, CEOs, and senior leadership teams of growing businesses.

The Purpose Workshop will train your team to

  1. Build unity of purpose among leadership team. 
  2. Get commitment to deep mentoring of purpose throughout the organization.
  3. Align your team and unlocks your businesses' true potential.

If you want to grow a thriving business, make a difference, and create a measurable Kingdom impact, the LeadFirst Purpose Workshop is for you.

The Purpose Workshop Equips Leaders to

Describe some quality or feature of the company. Write a short paragraph about it and choose an appropriate icon.

Short title

Refine Stewardship

The owner must be driven by authentic stewardship to God. 

Aim for True North

The purpose statement must express ‘true north’ for the organization.

Activate Your Purpose

   Living the purpose statement requires constant reinforcement in team and one-on-one conversations.

2.5 Hours, Facilitated

1.5 Hours, Self-paced Learning

Your investment:

$2,500 per workshop

LeadFirst Purpose Workshop Outcomes

  • A Purpose statement stating why the organization exists, what it does, who it serves, how it does what it does and it deeply held values. 
  • Caring options – An overview of what resources and models other organizations have used.
  • Care priorities listing the top strategies to drive care in line with the purpose statement.  ​​
  • Next step options indicating a range of choices for what to do next. 
  • Leadership Platform Access – workshop participants have ongoing access to the workshop materials, exercise results, and meeting minutes.
  • Mentoring – 2.5 hrs facilitated remote session and 1.5 hrs self-pace instruction.

2.5 Hours, Facilitated

1.5 Hours, Self-paced Learning

Your investment:

$2,500 per workshop

Have questions? Schedule a call to speak with a team member.

Impact in Just Five Hours!

How To Activate Purpose and Engage Your Team

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

Meet with a LeadFirst mentor to understand what the leader's commitment requires.

Brief your team on the workshop’s purpose, their participation, and its potential.

Experience the impact an aligned team has for personnel and business results.

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