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The Faith-Driven Leadership Platform for Kingdom Impact

Your company needs integrated strategies  and biblical wisdom for business management and leadership development that includes body, soul, and spirit.

a diagram of the foundation series leadership platform
a diagram of a kingdom impact business that loves people body soul and spirit

We Need a Strategic Solution

84% of Generation Z reported burnout in the last year.

Drug deaths in the United States are up 500% in the past 20 years.

We see signs that societal health is weakening. A faith-friendly business is one that is led by someone who sees business itself as a stewardship.

To God, it’s a platform for doing good in our society.

We need strategies — not only for healthy businesses — but for whole person health that includes body, soul, and spirit.

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Build a different kind of workforce

The biblical mandate is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself, because everyone is created in God's image.

That's the motive and the mindset behind a faith driven business owner.

What does this mean in work settings when people have different beliefs?

It means things that everybody agrees on: Good jobs where truth, honesty, and openness are honored and everyone is treated as someone created in God's image.

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Develop team and personal alignment

It means helping people learn and grow and expecting them to take responsibility and grow up. It also means caring about people outside of work, providing options and resources to help people in every day life. That all families have and keeping things together.

It also means offering spiritual growth resources to those who are interested.

It never means coercion or discrimination. And it also does not mean perfection. We have lofty goals, but imperfect actions. But it does mean a desire to love like Jesus loved, unconditionally and sacrificially.

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